Henrietta "
Cleo Coles
Jenna Hope
Townes Linderman
Video trailer

16-vjeçari Henry Coles është një i huaj në qytetin e saj të ri Reston, New York. Me një çip të madh mbi supe dhe pa miq, ajo mbetet e tërhequr dhe e izoluar, por gjithçka ndryshon kur një takim traumatik me një shok klase shkakton diçka thellë brenda Henry – duke lëshuar një fuqi që ajo nuk mund ta kontrollojë.
Original titleImpulse
Firt air dateJun. 06, 2018
Last air dateOct. 16, 2019
Sezonet dhe serit
1Sezoni 1 Jun. 06, 2018
- 1 - 1PilotJun. 06, 2018
- 1 - 2State of MindJun. 06, 2018
- 1 - 3Treading WaterJun. 06, 2018
- 1 - 4VITA/MORSJun. 06, 2018
- 1 - 5The Eagle and the BeeJun. 06, 2018
- 1 - 6In MemoriamJun. 06, 2018
- 1 - 7He Said, She SaidJun. 06, 2018
- 1 - 8AwakeningsJun. 06, 2018
- 1 - 9They Know Not What They DoJun. 06, 2018
- 1 - 10New Beginnings ( I FUNDIT )Jun. 06, 2018
2Sezoni 2 Oct. 16, 2019
- 2 - 1Mind on FireOct. 16, 2019
- 2 - 2Fight or FlightOct. 16, 2019
- 2 - 3For Those LostOct. 16, 2019
- 2 - 4The MoroiOct. 16, 2019
- 2 - 5Crossing the ThresholdOct. 16, 2019
- 2 - 6Seven of HeartsOct. 16, 2019
- 2 - 7The End of the WorldOct. 16, 2019
- 2 - 8The TetherOct. 16, 2019
- 2 - 9A Moment of ClarityOct. 16, 2019
- 2 - 10Making AmendsOct. 16, 2019